I wish to...

My name is Kasasira Charles Derrick, I am from Kampala, Uganda. I share my knowledge and experience to create empowered communities.

I wish to share my knowledge and experience to create empowered communities

Today was the 8th of December. celebrating my 22nd birthday and for my wish (sort of a goal) in this new year, I wish to share my knowledge and experience to create empowered communities. this is my personal statement and I was helped to formulate it by the help of my Coach, Coach David Wampamba after looking at what was of most value to me and what I had to offer.

** The #1 required skill for today and the future is community building because no one will accomplish much anymore by themselves.**

How do you share your experience?

22 is not quite a lot of experience and I have just finished my Full-stack Cohort at Ablestate, what can I share? There is no such thing as too little information to share and I should always put myself out there to share, I have to hold myself accountable and make decisions about safely sharing my unique experience with others through practicing writing and speaking. I believe that everyone has stories that can help others achieve specific goals and expand what I know when told right.

I will be sharing my knowledge here on hashnode and on youtube.

And I challenge myself to may 50 videos in the next year. (that's a video per week).

let's help define the 21st community